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A really clear grammar site - About.com

This is a great site for in-depth clarification of grammar points - use their search bar.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Investigation support

I'm getting some questions about the investigation, so here's a quick support post.

Basically, you have to take an aspect of theory (any linguistic theory you like) e.g. Lakoff said 'women use deficit features in their language' (this will form your hypothesis) and choose some data you can collect yourself to test it e.g. set up a discussion task and record/transcribe it (data can be written or spoken, depending on the theory you are testing).

You then write it up in 2000 words - this post will help you get an overview:

Investigatives, Here is the simplified version of the assessment objectives for the investigation component (which is marked out of 50): ...
Don't forget to look at your green coursework booklet.
Any more questions, let me know.

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