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A really clear grammar site - About.com

This is a great site for in-depth clarification of grammar points - use their search bar.

Friday, 30 September 2016

Computer room lesson Mon 3 Oct (E-block) and Fri 7 Oct (A-Block)

I will be coming around to talk to you about predicted grades, if I haven't already, and about investigation ideas.

Carry on with independent work in the meantime. Read all the instructions before you start, as always.

First, listen to one of the Word of Mouth radio broadcasts on IPlayer - put a link to it on your blog, summarising the key ideas in no more than 3 sentences. Choose one that links with a possible coursework idea, perhaps?

Then revise some of the key theories from last year by exploring Andrew Moore's website and making notes on your blog on language varieties, focussing on accent and dialect first and then anything else e.g. gender that you are rusty on - continue this as part of your independent study throughout the year. We will be building on Accent and Dialect when we look at World Englishes shortly, so that's why you should prioritise that, but you might want to refer to any of them in your coursework, even if that is not your key focus.

Intersperse some work on grammar. Grammar Bytes is quite a useful site (check out their handy rules about grammar here), although it is American and they sometimes use capital letters after colons and the other odd things that we don't do so beware of that (research what the main differences are for World Englishes and blog about it). I will also email you my handy grammar tips sheet on word classes for you to use (ignore if I've already done that - I've been meaning to for a couple of weeks!).

If you want to ask me about the ongoing work analysing the Zachy transcripts, grab me as I come round.

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