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A really clear grammar site - About.com

This is a great site for in-depth clarification of grammar points - use their search bar.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Esquire article on the word "bro" suitable for Gender, LC and media text style model

How often do you hear "bro"? Interesting Esquire article on how it might be a damaging concept!


Thursday 11 December 2014

12 is terrifying? What about 9?! Adverts for Language Change and Gender

You never know how authentic these shared collections are but the language in this one is interesting and the cultural changes are evident. Be prepared to be appalled. I got this by following George Takei on Facebook.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

How not to write (Language Change and Language and Gender)

You guys are so far beyond needing these over-simplified tips to help you with your writing but what is fascinating is the attitude behind the writer's points and, even more so, behind the points of the commenters beneath. Read as many comments as you can bear to to see a prescriptive (believing there are set standards of language that should be adhered to) deluge! There are one or two good Language and Gender points in the comments as well.

Do you think it should be:
the writer should help themselves
the writer should help themself
the writer should help him- or herself
the writer should help herself
or some other version?

Monday 1 December 2014

Coursework draft deadlines

You have known these were coming up - here are the exact dates:

AS- pieces due 12th Dec, commentaries 19th Dec (to be worked on in class in the last week)
A2 - investigation due 16th Dec, media text planning/writing in final week for deadline Fri 9th Jan at the start of the lesson

Remember that this is the only draft you get marked and that late work will not be marked (under exceptional circumstances, I might accept an emailed version on the deadline with a hard copy (that is exactly the same) to follow but not for planned absences e.g. trips, hospital appointments etc.