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Friday, 5 February 2016

AS holiday work 05/2/16

It is interesting to look at where the idea of representation intersects with the work we have done on gender.

First, read this and then try and find three (or more) examples of texts where a gender is represented in a particular way. Here are some ideas but you can look at anythig you think might be interesting/relevant. You could look into the way in which (trigger warning) Roosh V represents men and women and why some people want to ban him from the country. Or look at how the same product e.g. deodorant, razors or even pens (Lady Bic) are sold through different language for men and women - how are the audiences represented by the language describing what would appeal to them? Or look at an article that discusses advertising campaigns like Always #likeagirl or this one about asymmetric terms like a boss/bossy from Pantene. Really try and look closely at the connotations of language choices that the producers use. You could look at some of the other gender posts on my blog and see how gender issues are described in a way that represents particular genders in specific ways. Don't forget to apply as much terminology as you can.

We will share those texts in groups onthe first lesson back and keep hold of them for when we start comparing texts.

Learn your basic grammar terms and as much terminology as you can.

Anyone who hasn't given me their gender discussion essay can work on it and give it to me the first lesson back.

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