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Monday, 5 October 2015

AS controversial issue blogs - more info


I am seeing some good work developing in the few I have had a quick look at but not everyone has quite got the idea - I want to get a sense that these bloggers are different, real people (although of course they are characters that you have created) who have different idiolects and different experiences - you should be planning ways to get that into their posts - almost like a dramatic monologue. Some of them are pretty short, too. If you write too little, you may not have enough to talk about in your commentary, which should be about 750-1000 words. Aim for several well-developed paragraphs per character blog. Have you really thought about what persuasive devices will suit the younger/older man/woman you have chosen? Who are they expecting to read their blog and how will that affect what they say and how? What do they want to come of this post? Be really clear about the GRAPE for each post.

Here are some techniques to think about:
  • connotations of word choices e.g. the different effects of using 'refugee' vs 'migrant'
  • metaphors
  • analogies
  • cliches/idioms
  • repetition
  • alliteration and other phonological effects
  • rhetoric
  • facts/stats blended with opinions
  • ways to hook an audience, especially post title
  • emotive language
  • personal experience (use of first person) 
... and many more you can think of. But make sure you include enough detail so that I can tell without asking what each person is like e.g. how old they might be, where they come from in the UK, maybe which gender, are they political etc? Make sure you include a blibliogrpahy of the sites you have used to research ideas, facts etc.

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