I really wish I could be there supporting you with your coursework but the mini investigation I set last time (see the comment under the other post) should support you in developing skills for the investigation as well as CLA.
- You should give it a title/focus
- Say what theory/research leads you to expect to find and focus this into 1-3 hypotheses
- Talk a little about what data you have and how far it is reliable
- Use tables/charts etc. to quantify the data - that should point you in the right direction of what is significant to look at, but use your good sense as well to lead you to what is worth looking at closely, PEE(+context) and use theory to guide you as well - explore how far the theory is supported by the data, referring back to your hypotheses. Are there sensible sub-headings you could use to organise your analysis?
- To conclude and evaluate, explore why you think you found what you found, evaluating your approach, the theory and the reliability of the data
Everyone should have emailed me by now with an update on your progress and any issues you are having (see the instructions in red on the other post). If you haven't had a reply, I didn't get it, so please make sure you sent it to the right email address. Email me by end of Friday without fail. Remember, you are my squad goals (am I using that right?!)!
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