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Monday 23 June 2014

Coursework advice from A2 students

Here are the comments from the coursework feedback questionnaire advising AS students about their approach to A2 coursework (comments are unedited):

Commit a lot of time and you will see the better results.
Do coursework parts little and often in order to keep on top of it
make sure you keep it up to date and constantly re-draft, it makes the job a lot easier and you
don’t panic as much last minute. Little and often is key
do it
Start early
All information that your teacher puts down is essential to getting a good grade. Slight
improvements here and there can make the differences between a D grade and a C grade.
Dont leave it to the last minute
Make sure you don’t leave it too late to start and get data that has enough good things to talk
about to get a high grade
spend lots of time on coursework early so it isnt rushed towards the end
Do lots of research in the summer holidays so that you know exactly what to do.
Stick to deadlines and keep up to date.
Get it done early
Don’t leave it till the last minute and ask for help as soon as it’s needed
keep to the deadlines.
Get a clear idea of what you want your investigation to be able early so that you can start to
prepare and map out what you want to find and gather evidence to analyse ASAP
Make sure you have enough style models before you start the course so you have a clear
understanding of the coursework
use your time effectively, research well
start early and really get as many draft as possible and give them in
start collecting data as early as you can.
To try and ask more questions other than just using the blog
do more drafting on the media text and explore what can be included or edited within it
Know what you want do for your investigation before you come back from the summer
holiday, it will put you at a stronger advantage.
Keep on top of it
Don’t loose track
Ask if you need help
Don’t just use the internet – it’s not 100% trustworthy
make sure you meet the first draft deadline to get feedback
Be prepared to work hard and make sure you are organised and give in a draft on time.
Timing is key and to use teachers when they are at their least busy eg. before coursework
drafts HAVE to be in
Redraft as much as possible, always use the feedback given by your teacher and make time
for your coursework - Never leave it until the last minute.
Think hard about what you’re going to do your investigation on, as you don’t have the time to start again
Make sure you have enough data to evaluate qualitatively and start work early to make sure
you are on top

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