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Tuesday, 5 November 2013

A2 coursework lesson in B202 Tuesday 5th and Friday 8th (includes tips for conclusion/evaluation)

Tuesdays and Fridays will be coursework lessons for the first couple of weeks of this term and then we will be using the computers mostly for CLA. We will be in B202 every week.

I am taking in a hard copy of your coursework at the end of today's lesson. First, we are going to look at a good example of an investigation (I have included the media text that we will look at later, so keep hold of these). Once we have seen some ideas, I want to use today's lesson for you to read someone else's intro/methodology/analysis and make some constructive comments on the peer assessment sheet I will give you. You will hand in the sheet with your coursework draft. Read and edit your own work again in the light of those comments, even if that means crossing out and writing things into a draft you have already printed. It will take me a couple of weeks to mark these.

Our next task is conclusion/evaluation but this will be very much a rough, rough draft until you have some feedback on your analysis, so post it to your blog but I won't be taking that in for a couple of weeks, after you have redrafted it.

  • Give an overview of your understanding of the data in context and how it relates to theory.
  • If you have discovered anything theory did not tell you to expect, explore why in context.
  • How effective were the approaches that you used (from data and theory selection/collection to analysis headings tothe investigation focus) - try not to be too negative but be thoughtful and suggest what might have been more effective in order to find out more/something different.
  • If you choose to look at how you could deepen or extend this investigation to make the findings more convincing, try and evaluate the new methodology to show why it would be better.
  • Make sure the reader comes away impressed with your thoughtfulness and thoroughness.
  • Round it off so it finishes cleanly.
Then we shall get the media text done (start this week and finish next week). You could use some of your computer room time to read more of the type of text you are going to write and/or do further research. Do that before you complete your media text first draft.

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