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Monday, 7 March 2016

AS Lang Lit revision ideas

·         Revise terminology through making revision flash cards / making framework mind maps

·         Read through your notes and example analyses and jot down the language features focussed on.

·         Use Bristol University Grammar Pages – useful for developing the accuracy of your own expression and thinking about the grammar framework: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar_tutorial/index.htm

·         Refer to emagazine for wider reading - ID: stbren  Password: EMC2015 and make notes on any articles.

·         Collect examples of different types of texts and analyse for different features. Focus on a page in a novel; feature articles; leaflets; autobiography; scripts; speeches; news articles; letters to newspapers; diary entries etc. What features are used and why? 

·         Record a conversation from the TV or radio and analyse one minute. What features are used and why?

·         Create flash / revision cards with all the different genre and stylistic features of the texts you could be asked to write for the creative writing tasks.

·         Create family trees / diagrams of relationships within the stories.

·         Draw key images from the poems.

·         Create thematic links between the poems e.g. love, relationships, nature, death, spirituality, carpe diem, place, fantasy….

·         Make sure you have a full framework analysis for each poem.

·         Find examples of articles, extracts from novels, letters that could be linked to the poems.

·         Summarise key characters presented in each text and have a set of key quotations for each one.

·         Make sure you have a summary of each scene / chapter / poem. Create a flow chart of events and dates if relevant.

·         Create a mind map of contextual details for each text. Think about the context of production and the context of reception as well as the references made in each text.

Look at the discussion questions on Teenreads for AHWOSG http://www.teenreads.com/reviews/a-heartbreaking-work-of-staggering-genius/guide

·         For some basics on THB, look at the Bitesize (GCSE level but helpful) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english_literature/dramahistoryboys/

·         Refer back to any work on the blogs (yours or mine or Nina's)

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