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A really clear grammar site - About.com

This is a great site for in-depth clarification of grammar points - use their search bar.

Monday, 18 May 2015

A2 lesson Mon 18th May

Wisdomfulls (as always, read all the instructions before you start!),

please fill in the student feedback questionnaire for English. You will find it in the bottom box of the A2 page. Try and comment wherever possible to contextualise your answers so it is clear what's working, from your point of view, and what isn't. Try and be honest but not harsh if you are disappointed or annoyed by something - you should be able to make your feelings clear without sounding rude and stroppy: people listen to your points much more open-mindedly/sympathetically if they are made without rancour. That is a life skill (influential power).

Don't forget to bring a little food and drink to share for the second half of tomorrow's lesson. I am really going to miss you guys.

We will spend the first half of the lesson talking about the Morris Minor essay that I am taking in to mark today. If you are not in tomorrow, I will leave the essays on my desk for you to pick yours up when you can. If I mark it and you don't come to get it by Friday...

Today, we will spend the first half of the lesson in here; if you finish the questionnaire, please do some reading from my blog or research theories so you can ask me about anything you are not clear on. Then we will go back into the classroom after lunch and finish looking at the 'dancing etiquette' question paper.