I have spoken about the little, regularly approach. Work out which skills you need to polish and set tasks to do and self-assess afterwards. Also work out what you need to memorise - plan times each week to do that and revisit each item (theory, terminology or quote) at least twice to really embed it (remember, AS, that you will need all of it next year too so it needs to go in deep!).
I have given you tips for tasks and for PEE, so work on different aspects of those each time you do a task - don't try and do everything at once - and really work on self-evaluation so that you can improve your planning and proof reading/editing - if you can assess your own work to see which skills and content it does/doesn't include, you can build skills now AND check in the exam that you have done what you need to do and edit your exam answers appropriately.
We study AQA English Language B so you can go to the website and look at past papers and examiner's reports. I have given you the criteria so revisit those too.
Don't forget Andrew Moore's website on language theory as it is really useful.
AS, don't forget you can do the rest of the moderation week work - I think most people did Power and you should look at the gender 'Dialogue between men and women' piece and we are going to be looking at some romantic fiction so you should look at some in advance and see how language is used to show differences between the genders (especially in the represented speech but also in the transitive verbs and who is the subject and who is the object).
There is a lot more on Moodle now, although it may not all be edited and organised - A2 also go to the AS page.
Use your preferred learning styles and make it more enjoyable by doing revision sessions with others or rewriting fave songs with lyrics that have the content you need to remember etc - please post any mnemonics as replies to this if you can bear to share.
You know I think so very highly of you all and I am really wishing you the best. Take it steady and increase your skills and knowledge little by little. If you are worried, don't be! But email me and I will reassure you!
Best of luck,